Man on a bike near trees and a canal
Northwest Zealand

PHOTO: Jacob Eistrup




Above 150.000 EUR

To mitigate the landscape and the cultural settings that were formed by the ice age and to offer a new and explorative way of being a bicycling tourist, there is both analogue storytelling and interactive virtual reality and online storytelling along the 390 km route. The main part of the route is situated in close proximity to the coastline, thus linking the land and the sea into a common experience.

Total budget

2.8 million Euro from Nordea-Fonden and co-financing for roughly 2 million Euro.


The Municipality of Holbæk and the Nordea fund.

Partners involved

5 municipalities (Odsherred, Holbæk, Lejre; Sorø and Kalundborg) and 6 large tourist attractions covering UNESCO landscapes, national parks, astrological centres and (experimental) museums.

Target group

Targeted at bike tourists and the development of the local community/entrepreneurs.



Key learning from the process

  • Timing is everything! When planning a large infrastructure project that combines professional and managing organisations and volunteer groups, choosing who and when to engage relevant groups becomes crucial.
  • Be agile in a Corona context.